What to Do with A Snake in Australia?


You will be amazed to know that Australia is the only country that has more venomous snakes than non-venomous species; the country is home to 20 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world that include the top eleven species. Taipan, the most venomous, fierce snake is found nowhere on the earth except Australia; its single bite is enough to kill 250,000 mice.

Snakes in Australia

Snakes are found all over Australia. They are highly dangerous because of their venom. They can bite anyone, especially kids, who don’t know how to protect themselves from snake bites. It has offered a good source of income for snake catchers in the country. You may not know how to catch a snake if it has entered your house. Most bites happen, as people try to catch snakes themselves.

What to do with a snake in the country?

You cannot even catch it yourself because it is highly illegal in the country; it attracts fines and even imprisonment.

Killing a snake is also illegal in Australia. It attracts a very high fine, say, up to $77,000, and up to five years of imprisonment.

Don’t take such a big risk! You will put your life at risk when trying to catch or kill a snake. Even if you are successful to catch or kill this creature, you will be entangled in legal jargon.

Call a professional snake catcher to prevent life or legal risk. Only licensed snake catchers are allowed to catch or keep snakes in Australia. They will charge a fee from you.

Professional snake catchers in Australia

Professional snake catchers can be searched in every area of the country, say Snake catcher north Brisbane. Similarly, you can search for snake catchers in other areas of the country.

Moreton Island is home to many species of snakes. Moreton Bay region is an area in the north of the Brisbane metropolitan area in South East Queensland where you can search for many experts and experienced licensed snake catchers. To get their list, search on the internet with the keyword “Snake catcher Moreton Bay.” Many snake catchers have snake catching as their family business.  Please try to stay away from this dangerous animal.








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